Daniela Clara Moraru

Entrepreneur. Educator. Influencer.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Adieu and Rest in Peace, dear Guy de Muyser!


Today, I paid my respects and said goodbye to a remarkable person whom I admired deeply. For over 10 years, I was honored to call Guy de Muyser my friend. At 98, he leaves behind a legacy of profound impact on the lives of many, including mine. I am incredibly grateful for his unwavering support of my projects, such as the Inspiring Wo-Men of the Year awards and the Top Company for Gender Equality awards.

A beautiful ceremony took place today at St. Michel Church, attended by many loyal friends, including representatives of HRH the Grand Duc, HRH Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and admiration as we gathered to celebrate Guy’s incredible life. Heartfelt speeches from his children, Alain and Isabelle, and shared memories echoed throughout the space, reminding us of the joy and wisdom he brought into our lives. It was a poignant tribute that perfectly encapsulated the impact he had on all of us.

Each meeting and lunch at his home or in his garden was a special moment I cherished. A few months ago, he called to catch up and invited me to visit him. I regret not following up in time—perhaps he wanted to say goodbye in person.

His memory will forever inspire me. Here are seven of my favorite photos with him, capturing our treasured moments together.

Thank you for your friendship, dear Guy.
May you rest in peace.

#goodbye #guydemuyser #whatanamazinglegacy


Saturday 18 May 2024

Give away time - Leadership féminin au Grand Duché de Luxembourg


Are you self employed or entrepreneur, or aspire to become one? Where do you find inspiration?

As a serial entrepreneur for 25 years in 3 different countries, I strongly believe in the power of role models. To help you get inspired by other successful women, I'm giving away 3 copies of of my book "Leadership féminin au Grand Duché de Luxembourg", which can also be bought on Letzshop, with articles in both EN and FR.

To get a chance to win:
1. Follow me on Instagram
2. Like and share this post on your social media
3. Tag 3 of your friends

Winners will be announced next Saturday, 25th of May.



Monday 8 May 2023

MegaTrends 2050


On Thursday and Friday I assisted at the “MegaTrends 2050” interdisciplinary conference organized by the Luxembourg Parliament (Chambre des Députés Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) and the Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (FNR).

Two intensive days aimed at bringing together politicians, researchers and the general public to  reflect together on the major global trends that are affecting everyone of us.

How to use scientific foresight in politics is certainly a topic that interests me very much. Not only as politician, but also as entrepreneur, and also as researcher, since I’m in my 3rd year of my PhD studies. 

CSV was well represented by colleagues MEP Isabel Wiseler, MP Paul Galles, Fernand Boden, president of CSV Senioren, Marcel Oberweis; we’ve had very interesting conversations with the speakers and some of the researchers who were present. 

It was lovely to meet and listen to Philip Crowther’s keynote address which highlighted the challenges of investigative journalism because of the growing possibilities of spreading fake news in all forms.

It was reassuring to find out that 75% of Luxembourg’s population trusts science 💡 

The last words of this 2-day conference were given to the Youth Parliament and it was nice to meet again Gills Mathieson, the very proud mother of Franklin, the Secretary General of the #youthparliament. 


#politikfirlëtzebuerg #politicsforluxembourg

#politikfirjiddereen #politicsforall


CSV & CSJ Stad CSV International


Monday 3 April 2023

Politics - The essentials


Since I started the #letsdemystifypolitics campaign and even more since some of you found out that I'm running for office in Luxembourg-city, I got asked a lot of questions about politics, including what the different political parties from Luxembourg stand for. 

To help you navigate the complex world of politics, I started to put together some resources which should help you understand better Luxembourg's political scene. 

Since I am deputy Secretary General of the political party CSV, as well as president of CSV International, CSV's political organization dedicated since 2008 to the international community of Luxembourg, and to avoid any biases when presenting you the other parties, I will list here neutral resources. 

4. "Integration, inclusion and diversity" resolution - unanimously adopted by CSV International at the National Congress on 01/02/2023

6. How to vote? Video published in 2017 to explain how to vote - credit to the Integration commission of Dudelange 

Please let me know what questions you might have, and I'll add here resources for you and everyone who's interested to learn more about the Luxembourgish politics.


Follow me!

Wednesday 1 March 2023

I'm running for office in Luxembourg-city


With Jean-Claude Juncker’s blessing, we’re ready for the elections
If you want to support me and the great team I’m part of, first step is to register on the electoral rolls before the 17th of April.

Anyone who lives in Luxembourg CAN VOTE this year:
- regardless of your nationality - you DON’T have to have the Luxembourgish nationality to vote in the local elections in your municipality in June!
- regardless of the length of your residence in Luxembourg! (this bit was approved in August 2022, before 5 years were needed)
provided that:
1. you’re 18 years old and
2. you register on the electoral list before the 17th April at 5 pm.
Currently less than 15% of the international community registered to vote. It’s a pity because if we don’t mobilize ourselves, there are no chances for the candidates representing the international community to get elected this year.
You will have plenty of time to find out more about the people you might know who will be candidates in your commune.

Discover the team of CSV Stad in my picture below,
under the leadership of Serge Wilmes.
See Insights and Ads
All reactions:


Tuesday 3 January 2023

Bronze distinction "Dicks-Rodange-Lentz"


I am very proud and honored to inform you I will be awarded the bronze distinction "Dicks-Rodange-Lentz" for "remarquable service to the Luxembourgish language".
The ceremony is organized by Actioun Lëtzebuergesch - Eis Sprooch a.s.b.l. on Saturday, 7th of January at 3 pm at their headquarters in Itzig (20, rue Conter).
You will find below the Invitation in #Luxembourgish.

De Comité vu der „Actioun Lëtzebuergesch a.s.b.l“ wënscht Iech e glécklecht neit Joer 2023!

Mir invitéieren Iech häerzlech op eisen Neijooschpatt, e Samschdeg, de 7. Januar 2023 um 15:00 Auer bei äis zu Izeg, 20, Conter Strooss am grousse Sall um 2. Stack, Gebai A.

Bei där Geleeënheet iwwerreeche mir d'Dicks-Rodange-Lentz-Plaquette fir besonnesch Verdéngschter un der Lëtzebuerger Sprooch, déi sëlwer Plaquette un den Här Jean KANDEL, an déi bronze Plaquette un d‘Madame Clara MORARU.

Mir presentéieren och déi nei Editioun vun eisem Buch „Eis Virnimm“ vum Auteur Marcel LAMY. En neit Kapitel beschäftegt sech mat der Heefegkeet vun enge Rei Virnimm am Laf vun deene leschte 400 Joer. D‘Date baséiere sech op ronn enger Millioun Anträg aus der Datebank vu „Luxroots“, déi aus Zivilstands- a Kiercheregëster hierkommen.

Op eiser Websäit fannt Dir de Plang fir bei äis ze kommen:

De Comité vun der Actioun Lëtzebuergesch

Actioun Lëtzebuergesch - Eis Sprooch a.s.b.l.
N°RCS: F5361
20, Conter Strooss
L-5955 Izeg
Tel: (+352) 470612
Web: https://lnkd.in/d2KP3FW

association reconnue d'utilité publique
par arrête grand-ducal du 15 novembre 2021

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