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Monday, 10 June 2019

Practice Luxembourgish with “D’Tilly” by Tom Decker

Love, unconditional love, destiny, rituals, we find them all in the beautiful book “D’Tilly” written by Tom Decker. Or do I see love everywhere because my heart is so full of it, yet deprived of the presence of the loved one, just like in the book?

Some people may choose not to see each other anymore because they strongly believe they are not good in a relationship and they’d be better off if they lived alone, if they did anything they feel like whenever they feel like. Some other people like Gast and Tilly, our book’s main characters, were separated by war. But true love never ends!
“Wann et reent, da gesäit keen deng Tréinen” can one read in the book: so beautiful and so true! Also when one wears sunglasses...!

“Et gëtt ëmmer gesot, d’Zäit géing all Wonnen heelen, ma bei mir war et net d’Zäit, déi se geheelt huet, mä d’Oflenkung. Obwuel ech mir an deenen nächste Joren a Jorenzéngten e flott Liewen opgebaut an nei Kollege kennegeléiert hunn an och e Beruf hat, dee mir Spaass gemaach huet, ass et mer ni méi gelongen, eng längerfristeg Relatioun mat enger Fra anzegoen. An ech kann der soen, an all deene Joren hunn ech der vill kennegeléiert! Ma et war keent ewéi d’Tilly.”

When we love, we create our own reality. We see what we want to see, we believe what we want to believe. We’re fragile, we’re irrational, we’re emotional.
I imagine Gast and Tilly sitting on the bench in one of my favorite spots in Luxembourg-city and, later on, the first meeting between Max and Laura, sharing the beauty of nature, giving each other the most beautiful gifts of all. Because love is what keeps us alive!
“An dat ass, Max, de Grond, firwat mir eis all Sonndeg ëm déiselwecht Auerzäit an deemselwechte Gaart treffen. Dat hält eis Léift an domat och eis selwer um Liewen...”

I warmly recommend you to read it if you study Luxembourgish and have a minimum A2 level. 
No stress if you might not understand all the vocabulary, www.lod.lu will be very helpful. 

D’Tilly, by Tom Decker, Kremart Editions, 2,99 eur

Enjoy practicing Luxembourgish!

Lëtzebuergesch / Luxembourg 

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